I think many wouldn't have know him about his life and his experience. So here we go.
When I Introduce him to you:
Dr. Viktor Frankl was a Neurologist and Psychiatrist who survived his days in one of the Concentration Camps in Germany during the World War II. As a short story, he has lived in that camp for more than 3 years and about that camp, it is the place where the term stands for its meaning "Survival of the Fittest". Yes, if the camp inmate is unfit to work or ill, he will be sent to the gas chambers and turned into ashes. He and his fellow mates has to stay fit to survive by just consuming a bowl of soup and a loaf of bread(the only food which was served) and as a hard labor.
When I read his book "Man's search for Meaning" recently, I have found that book as the most inspirational for those who has lost everything in life. For the rest, it is such a book which explains how to control your emotional feelings and thoughts by not surrendering yourself to the situation, but having a meaning for your sufferings. You got to be empathetic while reading this book and make sure that you clearly be in the shoes of a camp inmate. If you try to read that in that sense, I swear, you will feel the real essence of his book, the best book.
Personally to me, he is a gift to the mankind. After losing his family, friends and even his body strength, he has the courage and found his meaning to give something to the world and wrote this splendid meaningful book. It s a privilege to read those lines of his.