Have you ever flew over the borders of our virtual boundaries and the steryotype conclusions in your life? If we ever done that we may say THE WORLD IS BIG. It is simply due to the fact that the cross-cultural phenomena over-shadows our passions and their comparisons with our culture leads to taste their essence. This kind of cross-cultural affection has left a lot of impressions and it is still influencing the business world quite abnormally.
Yes, For Instance, If we take a look at the fashion business in India, the leading fashion brands are the retailers from the western nations who has well established themselves in the Indian market. Their market penetration is deep in the core of the urban market which has deployed most of the national retailers and made them to be a Joint Venture or to stand in No Man's land. This massive success of such international brands are due to their strong hold of marketing excellence and market attention. Apart from the quality of their products, they have their astounding reach among their target customers which swept the customers from the local market by leaving a caution that lifestyle business may be ruined by them in the mere future. We can say this as the win and win situation rather than looking negative since this challenge to capture the minds of the customers is the vital part of the business.
But the competition among themselves are still infant when compared to the local markets of the other nations. No major national brand has gone out of its boundary to the developed countries in Western EU, East Asia and the US. Though we are capable enough to penetrate the foreign market and to get in the minds of the people who lives for the fashion lifestyle, we lag in few core marketing areas which acts as the major barrier for the competitional success. The reasons are found to be in millions if we deeply dig this pit and its the time to realise the situation that where we are. We are the producers and manufacturers for the developed nations for the past 40 years and still we are the same with the knowledge of fashion lifestyle. The realisation factor in this case had just began to flow in the company policies of the Lifestyle Industries and the days are in numbers to fly beyond the boundaries to touch the new skies.
Learn to fly with the kiwis and eagles. Lets fly.
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